
Hey, beautiful human!!

  Hey, beautiful human!! You’re beautiful because you take pride in ironically showcasing that you’re not. You’re beautiful because you’re brave. You’re beautiful because you just don’t give a damn. You don’t need everyone to like you, agree with you or approve of you to feel good about yourself. You’re beautiful because you’re stronger than anyone thought. You’re beautiful for that reason Because you can do something lots of people can’t. I know I can’t. I admire you and sometimes I’m jealous. You’re beautiful and you shouldn’t wait for someone else to tell you. You already know it, just see it.

I Like The Way I Breathe

It took me years to say that I like myself. Right from our childhood, we all have been taught some old rubbish standards of beauty. Everybody teaches you to be fair but nobody tells you to embrace your skin no matter what colour it is. Everybody teaches you to wear high heels to look tall but nobody tells you that our confidence is enough to make us stand tall. Here and there, all are harming themselves to get the perfect tone or the perfect size to feel accepted in society but nobody tries to love his or her real self. On one hand, they preach not to discriminate based on colour and shape but on the other hand, they mock their friends who don't fulfill their standards of beauty. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder is false because beauty lies in being YOU the real YOU and the comfortable YOU With love, from Radhika

Top 10 (Non-Tech) Skills Kids Learn From Coding

  Coding is an essential skill for your child to learn. Along with learning to code, children essentially develop different soft skills. It makes them better learners, leaders, and a better person.   1. Self-discipline Being a programmer, children learn to become self-disciplined. It keeps them on track and helps them to stay focused on their goals. A disciplined developer can do things on time, take responsibility for what they do, and more. Being responsible for their actions makes kids succeed in their professional life.   2. Empathy Empathy is the capacity to place oneself in another's position. It is one of the most important skills to have in kids. While coding children learn to figure out other people's opinions and develop a better understanding. To acknowledge the needs and emotions of others better they use different research-based ways. Empathy makes them level up their thinking and overcome difficulties in a positive manner.   3. Openness While cod

Understanding Depression

Understanding Depression in Simple words You can be happy but depressed inside. Feeling blank, helpless, hopeless, and, unwillingness to do anything are signs that you are exhausted now. You feel tired. There is a lack of energy and zeal. You might notice a sudden change in weight and loss of appetite. If you find having a hard time concentrating on details and making decisions. You can’t sleep or oversleep. You think often about death or suicide. These are some of the signals of depression. What is depression? Depression is a mental health disorder that is characterised by depressed mood, loss of interest in daily activities, causing significant hamper in daily life. Major Causes: Depression is an extremely complex disease. Some people experience it due to a serious medical illness. Due to some drastic life changes or the death of a loved one. Others have a family history of depression.  Our brain and depression: The hippocampus, a part of the human brain releases the hormone cortisol