Understanding Depression

Understanding Depression in Simple words

You can be happy but depressed inside. Feeling blank, helpless, hopeless, and, unwillingness to do anything are signs that you are exhausted now. You feel tired. There is a lack of energy and zeal. You might notice a sudden change in weight and loss of appetite. If you find having a hard time concentrating on details and making decisions. You can’t sleep or oversleep. You think often about death or suicide. These are some of the signals of depression.

What is depression?

Depression is a mental health disorder that is characterised by depressed mood, loss of interest in daily activities, causing significant hamper in daily life.

Major Causes:

Depression is an extremely complex disease. Some people experience it due to a serious medical illness. Due to some drastic life changes or the death of a loved one. Others have a family history of depression. 

Our brain and depression:

The hippocampus, a part of the human brain releases the hormone cortisol when you’re stressed. If the brain gets overloaded with cortisol for a long time, it can slow down or stop the growth of new neurons in the hippocampus. This leads to the shrinking of the hippocampus, which can cause memory problems.

Depression also causes the amygdala to enlarge which is associated with emotional responses. This causes sleep disturbances and changes in other hormones.

Brain inflammation: Brain studies clearly show a link, people with depression have more inflammation in the brain. Brain inflammation can increase depression, interfere with brain neurotransmitters and negatively impact brain functioning. 

Brain not getting adequate amounts of oxygen can include inflammation and injury and death of brain cells.


  • Take steps to control stress. 
  • Take a stand for your wellbeing. 
  • Increase resilience, and boost self-esteem
  • Reach out for social support.
  • Get treatment at the earliest to prevent depression from worsening.

In this present world of competition, people constantly remain in hurry and do not get time for their selves. Also, a lot of teenagers feel unhappy, demotivated, and moody.
You should consult a doctor or anybody trusted to talk about your feelings or consult a certified therapist. 

How to resolve?

  1.  Changing your lifestyle has a beneficial effect on your mind.
  2.  Stay with positive people.
  3.  Avoid dwelling on your past.
  4.  Eat healthy food,
  5.  Wear bright full of life coloured clothes like yellow, blue, white( avoid red)
  6.  Do yoga and meditation 
  7.  Talk to people you trust.
  8.  Smile, even when you are not genuinely happy.





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